Conrad Charles Jones: September 23, 1947 to August 19, 2020

A gentle giant, that used to reside on planet earth, no longer calls this place his home. It wasn’t because of an alien abduction (although that isn’t something that would have surprised Conrad). His body just stopped working.

Lungs are supposed to do their job, sometimes with the help of a hose that runs between the nose and a large can of air, but his lungs were tired and Conrad breathed his last breath. Eyes are supposed to provide sight and ears should enable a person to hear, but both were fading to the point that Conrad had to see and hear with his spirit.

For the last few years Conrad has asked, “Why doesn’t Jesus just take me home?”

When he could see, he liked to read his giant print KJV Bible. When he could hear, he liked to listen to Les Feldick teaching the Word a verse at a time. He also would be happy to watch another episode of Third Rock or M.A.S.H. or some other diversion that might bring an innocent chuckle. Or, maybe he would turn to the channel that alternated between Bigfoot encounters and UFO’s.

Conrad loved every living creature. He loved mice enough that when they joined him in his home, he would require live-capture and a safe transport for them to a better location to live out their lives. He loved his cat enough that she was allowed to be a cat and take care of the mice in her own manner. Each of Conrad’s dogs over the years was treated to the best of whatever he had: time, love, hard-boiled eggs, Black Forrest Ham, walks in the woods until he couldn’t, a gentle touch, and a proper burial.

People confused Conrad. He would assume the best and often be disappointed, even in himself. His generosity would sometimes come back to bite him because not all humans have the best actions, even if they initially possessed good intentions. Forgiveness and love came easily to him most days. Sometimes he struggled to pray for those that despitefully used him, but he knew the forgiveness that Jesus provides, and his heart was to follow all of the Biblical precepts as he understood them.

Earth has lost a gentle giant, but heaven is the richer for it.