Donations and Giving

In Romans 12:8, Paul says that if your gift is giving, “then give generously.”

Paul also wrote, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

During this “Stay Home. Stay Healthy.” order, the individuals that call Skykomish Community Church theirs have been faithful and cheerful givers.

For most people, making a donation by mail (USPS), using your bank’s Bill-Pay option (where your bank mails a check to the church), or phoning the church treasurer and making arrangements for a cash drop-off or pick-up, has worked best.

A few people have requested an online option to make donations. After investigating online giving options, a decision was made to add a PayPal ‘Donate’ button to the church website. This ‘Donate’ button will take you to a PayPal page that allows you to use a PayPal account or any major credit or debit card to make a one-time donation or an ongoing donation. The cost to the church for individuals using this option is about 3%+/-, depending on the size of the donation.

The address for mailing checks is: PO Box 56, Skykomish, WA 98288.

The ‘Donate’ button can be found on the side bar of the website or under the “Find Us” heading.

This post is intended to be purely informational and is in no way a plea for more giving. God has blessed Skykomish Community Church with faithful, cheerful, and consistent supporters. Please do not even consider contributing if you feel coerced or if you are reluctant to give for whatever reason.